Le filet se resserre autour des dirigeants de Bithumb et déjà le vrai propriétaire présumé de l'exchange a été arrêté.
BitHumb News
BitHumb is one of the most popular cryptocurrency trading platforms in South Korea. The BitHumb exchange was founded by BTC Korea.com LTD company in 2013 and now is headquartered in Seoul. BitHumb is one of the leaders among the cryptocurrency trading companies in South Korea and Japan in terms of trading volume. Almost all options of BitHumb are oriented on Asian countries. Almost all popular cryptocoins are available, but the only available fiat currency there is the Korean Republic’s won. BitHumb fees for transactions are about $0.15 and don’t depend on the transaction’s amount. The platform has a difficult process of verification and other security properties. Nevertheless, the exchange was hacked in 2017 and it affected three percent of users. However, it was not a problem of security, as the access was made from a BitHumb employee’s PC.
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Les mauvaises nouvelles continuent de faire les gros titres des médias crypto, mais le bitcoin et le marché en général semblent s'en moquer.
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Les bourses coréennes seront bientôt tenues de coter les tokens sur la base des mêmes directives afin de garantir le respect des réglementations locales et de prendre ensemble des décisions d'urgence pour éviter un autre fiasco de Terra.